YowZah! I only got 8/10. (Missed #s 2 and 6 ... and I knew better on #6.)
Her prize? Why ... nothing less than a day with Lisa Simpson at surf's convenience. (She's pretty smart too, y'know. Crabby sometimes, but smart. She and surf should get along just fine.)

Special mention to Midd13m4n who did, er ... swimmingly while circumventing the entire "lay / lie" issue with tact and common sense no one else seemed to possess.
And .... away we go .....
1. Correct Answer: B
I am dizzy and need to lie down, not: I am dizzy and need to lay down. In the present tense, lie means to recline while lay means to put or place.
2. Correct Answer: A
When I got dizzy yesterday, I lay down, not: When I got dizzy yesterday, I laid down.In the past tense, lay means reclined while laid means put or placed.
3. Correct Answer: B
My brother lays carpet for a living, not: My brother lies carpet for a living. In the present tense, lies means reclines and lays means puts or places.
4. Correct Answer: B
Lay the carpet after painting the walls, not: Lie the carpet after painting the walls. In the present tense, lie means to recline and lay means to put or place.
5. Correct Answer: A
We need to lay this baby down for a nap, not: We need to lie this baby down for a nap. In the present tense, lie means to recline and lay means to put or place.
6. Correct Answer: A
We will know when we have laid this issue to rest when we no longer fight about it, not: We will know when we have lain this issue to rest when we no longer fight about it. In the past tense, laid means put or placed. "Lain" is only used with a participle (has, have).
7. Correct Answer: B
The lions are lying in wait for their prey, not: The lions are laying in wait for their prey. In the present tense, lying means reclining and laying means putting or placing.
8. Correct Answer: A
The lions have lain in wait for their prey, not: The lions have laid in wait for their prey. In the past tense, "lain" is used in the sense of reclined with a participle (has, have). "Laid" means put or placed.
9. Correct Answer: A
I laid the blanket over her as she slept, not: I lay the blanket over her as she slept. In the past tense, lay means reclined while laid means put or placed.
10. Correct Answer: B
I will lay my head on my pillow shortly, not: I will lie my head on my pillow shortly. In the present or future tense, lie means to recline and lay means to put or place.
Thanks to everyone for playing! You're all the wiser for it. (Just another part of Rupe's "value added services".)