I blogged about my daughter's writings here previously.
So, how 'bout a sequel? Sounds good to me.
I stated then I wished I could write as well as she could. And I stand by that statement.
For your consideration and without further ado once more:
- I was worried because I left my school agenda at home.
- After I said farewell to my friends, I endured the long trip home.
- We raised a large crop of cornfield which is next to the pond.
- Come and see the wide and beautiful canyon.
- I escaped from the huge smoke of fire but the firemen had to save my mom's life.
- The dark mysterious giant got hurt in the morning.
- When Joe was doing his chores, he found a crack on the wall.
- It's an hour away before school ends.
- At school they had a lesson about Thanksgiving.
- At art class, we painted clay and used a needle to sew scraps together.
- My mom said "Don't write on the kitchen table."
- My ancestors were delighted when I made them a pie.
- After I ate a crispy cookie, I went to play my harmonica.
- I can't lie to my mother because she is my elder.
Of this batch, I have a few favorites I can't choose between:
- The tornado was about to hit a third grader, but everyone scurried all about.
- The heroic officer was talking with his mouth full.
- Have you heard or ever seen the impossible solar system?
............................ Ruprecht ( STOP )
heroic officers with full mouths...hmmm..even superman's gotta eat sometime
Now it's obvious where you get your wordsmithery! YOu're copying off your daughter's homework. Shame. shame.
I want to know more about her harmonica playing because she has future writer all ready wrapped up in a big red bow.
So I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. That girl has talent.
She has had a fine exaqmple set before her, and was obviously listening closely!
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